Declan Henry

Declan Henry, who is originally from Ireland, comes from a distinguished academic background. He studied at two of London’s elite universities:Goldsmiths College and King’s College. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree (Honours) in Education and Community Studies and a Master of Science degree in Mental Health Social Work. He is also a registered social worker.

Mr. Henry has written several books and numerous published articles. He has written on a wide range of diverse topics including mental health, transgender people, religion, young offenders, and a memoir about growing up in Ireland.

Book Reviews by Declan Henry

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easily merits five stars because of its ability to keep the reader interested until the end through its unusual and beautifully told story.”

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“Orit Avishai has infused great passion and time into her research and writing, which shows the reader that a person can be openly LGBTQIA+ and a practicing Jew who can live a joyous, fulfi

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Not for the first time, Nan Fischer has delivered an impressive tour de force of a novel with a finely plotted storyline and a host of believable charac

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Some of it Was Real is a beautiful, well-written, and well-structured novel that is easily worthy of five stars.”

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“this is a lovely, five-star-worthy novel for young readers that is well written and deserves full applause.”

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This is a unique novel that is compelling, engrossing, and full of suspense and surprise.

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Salih has the potential to be a good writer.

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Skill and craftsmanship ooze from this beautiful novel. It would be a cliché to just say that it’s well written because that wouldn’t do the book full justice.

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We are Totally Normal is set in a high school in California and depicts a young man in his final year who is confused about his sexuality.

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This young adult novel will appeal to young people who are questioning their sexuality or coming to terms with being gay.

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“Nancy Richardson Fischer has produced a joyous and highly satisfying read, and one that deserves acclaim and award. . . . a novel that oozes excellence and craftsmanship.”

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Villalobos’ book is the type that readers will want to read for a second time. Highly recommended as a piece of good teen nonfiction.”

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Lie with Me will enthrall the reader from start to finish. The prose is so spot on. Besson seems incapable of wasting a word.

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“Rucco really has done a superb job in illustrating the complexity of a young person coming to terms with being transgender and explaining how Morgan came to realise and accept his true gen

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This book about a young transgender (trans) man is simply brilliant.

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Shane was used to people asking if he was a boy or a girl. He was used to people sometimes assuming he was a girl because of his slender body and long blond hair.

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America is very accustomed to shootings, violence and the human suffering this evokes.

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“Nancy Richardson Fischer deserves high praise for her well-researched and endearing novel.

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This is a beautiful book that spans from the 1920s to the 1960s. It tells the story of Dara, a young woman who falls in love with another young woman called Rhodie.

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“This is a small but beautiful book and one that deserves to be cherished.

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Sean, the main character in this novel, tells us there are two types of psychopaths. The first type is completely oblivious to their wrongdoing and can normalize even the most savage behavior.

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This is a love story between two women who are the complete opposites of each other.